Wow - What a fun day! We went up to the shop early to stake out our spots for the parade. We sat around knitting while we watched the bicycle races going on outside - man were they fast! Several people wandered in the shop and just before the parade started we locked the doors and went outside. My son was in the parade this year so he was totally stressed about not getting any candy. He had to trust his two much younger sisters to step up and gather all the candy for him. Boy did they ever come through for him - they filled up half a grocery bag. I think it helped that there weren't too many other kids close to us. Those two really have the candy radar. My youngest was running out and grabbing as much candy as her little hands could hold. She actually went down to get a piece that another little boy was trying to get. She stopped, stared at him, gave him the "evil" eye and snatched that piece of candy right out from in front of him. We had more fun watching the kids than the parade. I'm actually glad I opted to leave my knitting inside - I would have dropped all kinds of stitches every time I had to run after the kids.
I finished clue #1 from Mystery Stole 3. It's really pretty - I 'm glad I decided to attempt this project - so far it has been a lot of fun. I can't wait until Friday to see what happens next.
I quickly blocked this just to get a better idea of what it is looking like.
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