Friday, April 3, 2009

Fun TImes

Oh My Gosh!!! We received a humongous shipment of yarn today!! I spent most of the day imputing it and labeling it - I'm plum tuckered out!! I'm actually too tired to knit if you can believe it.
Plans are well on their way for the LYS Tour coming up in May - it's going to be a blast!! Grab your friends and hit the road. While we are busy getting the final details ready, be sure to get your map planned. It's going to be a blast - great prizes, daily drawings and terrific one skein projects await you at every stop!
Not sure what to get your fiber fanatic friends??? We just received our second shipment of the cutest yarn themed coffee cups - be sure to check them out the next time you are in! Also be sure to take a moment to read the lovely thank you received from Highline Medical Center for the teddy bears everyone so generously donated!!

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